育达科大 人事室

浏览人次: 4733


A. Aim evolution
This room was established with establishment of this school in the 88th year of the Republic of China, the main task established, lie in setting up and promoting sound, fair personnel system, offer service of perfecting efficiently for the faculty and staff of the whole school. And then improve teaching and service quality, reach the goal of running a school.
The personnel business should be in line with thinking about the rights and interests and welfare of all faculty and staff, stand fast at the fair, just, publicly, service spirit improved, set up intact personnel legal system, in order to mould positively and innovating, having organization culture of vigor, vigor.
B. Serve the idea
This room regards serving colleagues as the working idea, and promote personnel every business with humanization, through the sound personnel system, and then reassure the public, encourage morale, in order to improve teaching and service quality, reach the goal of running a school. So, besides relation of instructing of vertical administrative responsibility right, strengthen the horizontal communicative channel that links, set up and use various kinds of ' participate in and propose the system ', enable all faculty and staff to participate in the decision and management, in order to condense the common understanding, implement the execution of decision, finish educating its goal.
This room colleague regards taking as ' personnel people ' as the honour, offer more perfect speciality to know that can serve colleagues of faculty and staff through constant study, one lets colleagues obtain supreme satisfaction and the most lofty respect, is our common goal.
C. Future prospect
It cooperate with this school administrative affairs of schools development plan,it is near to be draft, in, manpower demands of long Cheng, this room will act the role that professional aides and staff combined, set up the system, provided service, looked forward to planning in order to coordinate in the future, the personnel system makes a self-criticism, studies to improve in good time, develop in order to cooperate with the administrative affairs of schools. Strengthen the personnel business informationization, cooperate with the work to simplify with the informationization, in order to improve administrative efficiency and service quality. Simplify every operation procedure with the scientific method, in order to reach and save manpower, material resources, financial resources. Finally with improve personnel is it is it based on result room diligent goal to accumulate to serve.
Title Name Telephone E-MALE
Acting Director Fu, Yen-Liang 037-651188 Extension: 8100 ines@ydu.edu.tw
Office assistant Shih, Chia Wen 037-651188 Extension: 8101 skaven@ydu.edu.tw

Acting Director:Fu, Yen-Liang

●Undertake to a teacher and examine the promotion homework.
●Undertake to staff member workers and examine the relevant regulations item (including nearly
engaging and employing personnel and examination of probationary period) .
●The executive engages the letter, form master and engages the letter, staff member ( Include and nearly engage and employ personnel) It makes signing and issuing and famous chapter of duty
make hair to send.
●Business that the teacher promotes,etc.
●The full-time teacher holds more teaching jobs concurrently outside school ( The duty) Business of the letter of consent.
●Undertake special part-time teacher's engagement homework.
●Undertake teacher's qualification and send and examine the homework.
●Apply for private foreign teacher's work permitting case.
●Undertake to the reputable fine teacher of Ministry of Education and rewards and please issue the medal serving case.

Office assistant:Shih, Chia Wen

●The annual budget is compiled and remitted whole.
●Teaching and administrative staff wages, hour fee grant homework and teaching and administrative staff December bonus grant.
●Subsidize the business of the fund in award of Ministry of Education.
●Repair and make every insurance premium and withhold the register.
●Undertake to the faculty and staff and lengthen the item of serving.
●↑Undertake the retired item of faculty and staff.
●Undertake teaching and administrative staff's health examination item.
●Undertake and comfort and compensate the item of newspaper department of method retiredly.